New York: 631-753-3900
Florida: 561-279-1852
Toll free: 800-976-6691

Insurance and Billing

Apex accepts Medicare and a variety of other insurance plans.

Medicare payments are accepted in full for laboratory testing and travel expenses for home visits that have been deemed medically necessary by the ordering pysician.

For home visits that are not deemed medically necessary by the physician, laboratory testing will be billed to Medicare while the patient will be responsible for a small travel fee.

Accepted Insurances

To view a list of accepted insurances please click on the link below.

Depending on the laboratory coverage of the patients insurance plan, patients may be billed for a laboratory co-pay or deductible.

Apex also offers patients without insurance up to a 50% discount for payment at the time of service. Use our "Patient Fee Schedule" search to look up prices by test.

Medically Necessary Home Visit

Attention All Ordering Providers:
The Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Chapter 7 30.1.1
Patient Confined to Home requires that Medicare beneficiaries
meet two sets of criteria before they be considered confined to the home (homebound):
1st Criteria:
The individual must either: Because of illness or injury, need the aid of
supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs and walkers;
the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person
in order to leave their place of residence